
The Mission Driven Hospital

By October 15, 2013 No Comments

“Mission statements are the most widely used management tool in the world and yet most of them are just plain lousy. Even worse, they go nowhere and do nothing.” says best selling author and retired university professor, Dr. Chris Bart in his new publication, The Mission Driven Hospital, which was officially launched on October 15th, 2013.

“I have been studying and writing about the use, misuse, and value of mission statements for over twenty years,” says Bart. “One major conclusion that my research has confirmed over and over again is that there is a tremendous performance advantage waiting to be obtained by those hospitals that sincerely choose to become what I call ‘mission driven’. With 90% of mission statements failing due to poor implementation, The Mission Driven Hospital is the first book in the world to address the topic of how to both create and execute the words and aspirations contained in a hospital’s mission statement. It is destined to become required reading for every hospital CEO and Board Chair.

Currently, The Mission Driven Hospital is available only in print. An e-book version of The Mission Driven Hospital is expected to be released shortly.

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